Cut your Losses

WARMUP: Yea, did that. Mostly in cadence.
Soulder Taps
Peter Parker

A little smorgasbord. Initial bulk was laps around the front of the middle school with:
5 buprees at each speed bump
next lap
5 burpees and 10 bombjacks
Then we went backwards so the speed bumps were closer and reverse bear crawled up the hill from the lowest point.

Stopped for some People’s Chair
While we were at the wall we did BTTW with upside down shoulder taps and merkins in cadence

Went to the teacher parking lot in the back and did a long bear crawl. Then some Lt. Dan’s

Hit the elementary playground for some pull-ups and burpees. Tried to work in a partner balance and one handed hanging on the bar, but
it was a smashing failure. So, we ran back towards COT and stopped for Bulgarian Split Squats along the way.

MARY: Yea, we did this leg raise thing YHC saw on Instagram one time.


COT: It’s a core principle, so…yes

TClap |

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